The Bearded Dragon Boutique Hotel is located in the heart of Gold Coast. The advantageous location has made
The Bearded Dragon Boutique Hotel one of the most popular accommodation options.
The Bearded Dragon Boutique Hotel guarantees a comfortable stay with numerous services and amenities. You
will always be connected thanks to the free Wi-Fi, which is available to guests of all rooms. Free parking
is available for guests arriving by car. Guests who want to diversify their leisure time can book excursions
directly at the property.
The Bearded Dragon Boutique Hotel offers laundry service on site. For added comfort during their stay,
guests can take advantage of room service. Smoking is only allowed in designated areas.
What to do and where to dine:
Guests can enjoy a cosy coffee shop on site and enjoy a freshly brewed cup of coffee anytime from morning
until late at night. In this hotel, hunger will never take you by surprise! It offers several restaurants on
site with delicious and healthy food. Guests do not need to leave the hotel to have a great time. A bar is
at their service.
The Bearded Dragon Boutique Hotel offers guests a unique experience for relaxation and entertainment. Finish
your trip with services such as massages. Guests can have a great time with family or friends. There is a
games room at their service.